
Surviving PhD

Doing research in the field that you are so passionate about sounds like a dream job, and yet, studies show that more than 50% of PhD candidates suffer from severe psychological problems including depression and anxiety. So, what makes PhD so stressful? What are the good and bad sides of it? What are the obstacles […]
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HO, HO, HO! Xmas discount

Benjamin Franklin once said: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!” and we can’t agree more.So, if you are still looking for Christmas gifts WHY NOT GIVE THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE? From the 20th to the 30th of December, we offer a 10% discount for new participants and 30% off for returning participants for our […]
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We have great news! Registration for 2024 online courses is open now as well as for Field school! This week (from the 1st to the 8th of November) we offer a special 10% discount on online courses and on Field school to celebrate el DĂ­a de Muertos. Take advantage of this opportunity and sign up […]
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