Archaeologist with PhD in Physical Anthropology. Founder of Aita Bioarchaeology. Graduated in Archeology at the University of Belgrade and obtained a master degree and doctorate in Physical Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.  Broad experience both in excavation as in a laboratory analysis, including working with inhumations, cremations, mummifications and ossuaries of various chronologies - from Paleolithic period to Spanish Civil War. Up to now, she participated in several international projects (in Egypt, Spain, Palestine, Portugal, Croatia and Serbia), presented her work at over 30 congresses and published various book chapters  and articles in peer-reviewed journals.



ORCID: 0000-0003-3286-5538
E-mail: nsarkic@gmail.com, aitabioarch@gmail.com


Graduated in Biology in her hometown (University of León) and obtained a master's degree in Physical Anthropology and Human Evolution in Madrid (interuniversity master's degree of Autonomous University, Complutense, and Alcalá de Henares). She is currently in the last year of her doctoral thesis on dental and maxillofacial paleopathology in the northwest of Spain in the department of Physical Anthropology of the University of León. She is a researcher at the Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde (CIAS) at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Forensic Anthropologist at the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (Ponferrada, León). 



ORCID: 0000-0002-8442-9124
E-mail: lgonzg08@estudiantes.unileon.es


A biologist with a master’s degree in Physical Anthropology. Her work is focused on the field of childhood paleopathology, as well as studying the growth and development in non-adult skeletons of different chronologies and regions (Serbia, England, Portugal, and Spain). She has also worked on the genetic diagnosis of skeletal dysplasia. She is currently a PhD candidate in Development Genetics at the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC).

ORCID : 00-0001-6928-3529
E-mail: sofia_zn22@hotmail.com


Mislav is a radiology specialist, with European (ESSR) diploma in musculoskeletal imaging, at University Hospital Centre „Zagreb“, the largest hospital in Croatia. He has been publishing articles in paleoradiology for past 13 years starting with the project of Radiological analysis of mummified parts from Egyptian Collection of Archeological Museum in Zagreb. He published 49 scientific articles, 88 scientific abstracts and 3 book chapters on radiology, paleoradiology and history of medicine so far. He is also co-founder of Paleoradiology workshop and organizer of International scientific multidisciplinary conference Archaeology meets paleoradiology


ORCID: 0000-0003-2748-1193

E- mail: mislav.cavka@yahoo.com


Graduated in Biology from the University of Salamanca, Master in Evolution and Human Biology and PhD in Biological Anthropology, both from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He is a researcher at the Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde (CIAS) of the same University, developing studies on the historiographic and paleopathological evaluation of the fetus-infant-juvenile (up to 6 years). His research focuses on microscopic, optical and scanning differentiation, attributed to pathophysiological porosity, as well as other interdisciplinary approaches that help to enhance the study of the fetus-infant-adolescent in the anthropological discipline.

Recently, he has been involved in several studies related to diets of the past, through the microscopic identification of plant starches in dental calculus.




ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3345-5082

E-mail: alvaromonge23@gmail.com


Graduated in Archaeology from the University of Belgrade, where she obtained her master’s degree as well. Studies were focused on Archaeobotanical investigations of the medieval monastery and settlement in Hungary, mainly dealing with the questions of agricultural practices and crop processing.  The second master was done at the University of Sheffield (program MSc Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy) where the Archaeobotanical research included sites of Eastern Croatia and questions of agricultural development through the Middle Ages. Currently involved in the PhD program at the University of Groningen which includes the use of several archaeobotanical proxies (pollen, phytoliths, microcharcoal, and macroremains) to investigate the beginnings of agriculture and human-environment relationship in the low-lying areas of the Netherlands.



ORCID: 0000-0002-5941-3729

E-mail: ana.smuk5@gmail.com


Assistant professor and lecturer in Archaeozoology at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, and the Principal Investigator of the Ideas Science Fund (Serbia) Grant - ARCHAEOWILD. Her research is focused on various aspects of human-animal interactions in the Holocene past, while she is particularly engaged with the questions of human-wildlife interactions, the introduction of exotic animals, animal burials, as well as on questions of a meat diet, animal husbandry, and hunting in the Roman times in the Central Balkans.

ORCID: 0000-0003-2731-2146

E-mail: sonja.vukovic@gmail.com


Roberto holds a PhD in Industrial Biotechnology. During his research he studied the interactions between the innate immune system and bacteria involved in the onset of sepsis and septic shock, developing new lead compounds to limit the uncontrolled immune response. He teaches Natural Sciences and Anatomy in the Italian high school and he is a Science communicator on social media. In 2015 he started working on human skeletal remains with Osteoarc (Gornate Olona, Italy) and since then he took part in many archaeological excavations to dig or inventory bones. He started giving osteology classes and practicals to the general public in 2016.


ORCID: 0000-0001-6116-1316

E-mail: cighetti.roberto@gmail.com


An archaeozoologist and a research associate at the BioSense Institute, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Her research has been focused on various aspects of human-animal relations in the past, mainly from an archaeozoological perspective but also incorporating stable isotope and ancient DNA analysis, as well as novel approaches developed within the environmental humanities. She is particularly engaged with the questions of fishing, hunting, and the origins of animal husbandry and dairying in the Mesolithic and Neolithic in Southeastern Europe.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0873-7950

E-mail: ivana.zivaljevic@biosense.rs


MA Dimitrije Marković is an archaeozoologist and a PhD candidate at the Laboratory for bioarchaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. His research mainly focuses on Roman period archaeozoology, with the emphasis on roman army diet and supply strategies on the Danube Limes in today's Serbia. Apart from that, he has worked on faunal material from different contexts dated from the Eneolithic to the Late Roman period. He is also actively promoting archaeology and cultural heritage through Neozoik Foundation, which he co-founded this year.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9339-9898

E-mail: markovicdika@gmail.com


MD, PhD, Fabio Cavalli, is a director of a research unit of Paleoradiology in Trieste, as a University professor. 
Degrees in Medicine and surgery in 1978. and post degrees in General Radiology in 1980. at University of Siena (Italy).
Fabio teaches Forensic Anthropology and Radiology, History of Medicine and Paleopathology at the Department
of Medical Surgical and Health Sciences of University of Trieste (Italy).
Responsible of the Research Unit of Paleoradiology and Allied Sciences, LTS – SCIT – ASUGI, Trieste ad after
retirement is a Honorary Consultant.
Cofounder and President of the Academy “Jaufre Rudel” of medieval studies in Gradisca d’Isonzo (Italy) and is responsible of its study group of Bioarchaeology and Medieval Archaeology.
He also teaches “Facial Traits Reconstruction” at the courses of Mummiology of University of Pisa and at the Seminars of Facial Reconstruction of the VEKAM - Koç University in Ankara.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3286-1844


E mail: fabio.cavalli@asugi.sanita.fvg.it


The archeodog -  9 years of age, 8 years of experience. An expert in digging all kinds of holes and distinguishing animal (yum yum) from human (better not to touch) bones. He compensates for the lack of methodology with incredible enthusiasm. 

ORCID: 0000-0002-6115-819X

Email: aitabioarch@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-9339-9898


Graduated in Pharmacy from the University of Belgrade where she finished a specialization in Toxicology. Currently finishing Cosmetology specialization. Passionate photographer, nature and history lover. In Aita Bioarcheology has the role of administrator.


E-mail: millennaantic@gmail.com